Decoding car dashboard symbols: A comprehensive guide to understanding car warning lights

Utsav Das
Est. Reading Time 10 mins

Picture this: you're cruising down the highway, enjoying the picturesque scenery, when out of nowhere, a wild red symbol starts flashing on your dashboard. Cue the internal panic mode. What does it mean? Is your car about to explode? Don’t worry–those dashboard warning lights aren't as cryptic as they seem!

In today's tech-filled world, cars are like rolling computers, packed with sensors and digital wizardry that keep tabs on your vehicle's health. Understanding the secret language of these warning lights can be your superpower, saving you from potential roadside meltdowns.

Let's begin by understanding what is a warning sign and what is a warning indicator. A car warning sign typically refers to a physical sign or symbol placed on the roadside or within the vicinity of a road to alert drivers of potential hazards, speed limits, or other important information. These signs are typically static and provide visual cues to drivers.

On the other hand, a car warning light or an indicator refers to the various symbols or lights displayed on the dashboard of a vehicle to alert the driver of specific issues or conditions within the car's systems. These indicators are dynamic and change based on the vehicle's status, providing real-time feedback to the driver about potential problems or required actions.

So, let's dive into the fascinating world of car dashboard symbols and decode the mysteries that lie beneath. Buckle up!

Types of Car Dashboard Symbols

Warning Symbols

1. Brake warning light

Brake warning light

When this warning light pops up, it's telling you that your brake fluid pressure is running low. So as soon as it's safe to do so, pull over and bring your ride to a smooth stop. Avoid slamming on those brakes like you're auditioning for an action movie! It's all about maintaining a steady pace.

Now, even if that pesky light flickers on and off, don't brush it off. It's essential to check your brake fluid level ASAP. Don't worry, though: with a quick inspection, you'll be back on the road, enjoying smooth stops and peace of mind. Safety first!

2. Airbag warning light

Airbag Warning Light

When this warning light starts shining bright, it's a red flag that something's up with your seatbelts or airbags. It's not safe to hit the road when this light is giving you the evil eye.

Your car's front occupant classification system is like a secret agent, detecting the weight and position of your front passenger to ensure those airbags deploy like superheroes when needed. But if the system's gone wonky, it's bad news–it might fail to deploy in a collision when you need it the most. It could even deploy unexpectedly in certain situations.

So, here's the deal: when this light shines, play it safe. Put the brakes on driving and get your ride checked out ASAP.

3. Power steering warning light

Power steering warning light

When this warning light decides to make an appearance, it's time to take action as potentially your power steering system has failed. Find a safe spot to pull over and give your car a quick break. Turn off the engine, count to 30 (nice and steady!), and then fire it up again.

If the light is still there once you’ve restarted the engine, it's time to bring in the experts. Don't procrastinate—get your ride checked out by a pro as soon as possible.

4. Engine temperature warning light

Engine temperature warning light

When your engine starts overheating, this little light will come on, indicating it's had enough! If the light turns red, it's a clear signal to pull over and give your engine a breather. Wait patiently until it cools down completely before hitting the road again. An overheated engine can wreak havoc and cause serious damage so it's crucial to get it checked out as soon as possible.

5. Oil warning light

Oil warning light

This warning light is a clear signal that your engine oil pressure has hit rock bottom. It could be due to some dirty oil, a low oil level, or even a sneaky oil leak. Now, when this little light starts flashing, it's definitely not the time to hit the road. Pull over to a safe spot, kill the engine, and take a peek at your oil level or any signs of oil leaks. If that warning light keeps shining, it's probably best to call for a tow. Better safe than sorry!

6. Check Engine Light

Check Engine Light

The most commonly inquired about light is the check engine light. If you see this light come to life, get your engine checked as soon as you can. Engine is like the heart of a car, it keeps energy pumping everywhere, something wrong with the engine can make a lot of things wrong with other parts. Sometimes this can be caused by changing gears while igniting the car, which can be harmless.

If the light is orange, you can wait it out for a few kilometres of driving and see if it goes away. However, the best method is to run your car to a mechanic, or if you're of a more traditional mindset and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, pop the hood open and have a go at it. This light can come up for multiple reasons, if left unattended it can even total your engine.

Safety Symbols

1. Seat Belt Reminder Light

Seat Belt Reminder Light

When that seatbelt warning sign starts beaming, it means someone forgot to buckle up in the passenger seat. It's a friendly reminder to secure that seatbelt ASAP. Just clip it on, and you're good to go! But if the light keeps glowing even when everyone's properly buckled up, it might be worth getting it checked out.

2. Door open warning symbol

Door Open Warning

When one or more doors are wide open or not closed properly, this cautionary sign will light up. What's the solution? Simply open those doors and give them a proper close to make that warning light vanish.

3. Bonnet open symbol

Bonnet Open Symbol

When you see this icon, it means your car's bonnet (or hood) is either open or not securely closed. Sometimes, if there's an issue with the locking system, that light might come on too. Just make sure the bonnet is properly closed, and if the light persists, it's a good idea to have the locking system checked out.

4. Steering wheel lock symbol

Steering Wheel Lock

This indicator is supposed to light up when the ignition is switched off and the steering lock is engaged. But if you happen to see that light come on at any other time, it's best to have it checked out. Let the pros take a look and ensure everything is in order.

5. Automatic gearbox warning symbol

Automatic Gearbox Warning

When there's a glitch in your automatic transmission, that warning indicator will come to life–if that happens, it's best to steer clear of driving. Give your car a break and let the experts take a look.

Lighting Symbols

1. Battery charge warning light

If your dashboard decides to show you a battery symbol, it means there's some issue with the battery charging. It might even pop up if your battery is working overtime. Either way, when that warning light catches your eye, it's high time to get your battery checked out pronto.

2. Low fuel warning light

Ah, the low fuel warning light, a simple messenger with a single mission: to let you know that your fuel tank is running on fumes. When you see that limited fuel warning signal flashing, make a beeline for the nearest gas station and refuel without delay.

3. Low beam indicator

Say hello to the low beam indicator! This nifty symbol pops up whenever you switch on your low-beam lights. It's got these cool rays that show how the light is shining down on the road ahead rather than beaming straight ahead.

4. High beam indicator

When it's time to let your high beam lights shine, the high beam indicator comes to life. You'll spot this symbol with its rays pointing forward, showing that the light is beaming straight ahead. Just remember to use those high beams responsibly–safety on the road is a team effort!

5. Exterior light fault

Uh-oh, looks like trouble with the exterior lights! When this warning light shows up, it's usually a signal that one or more of your external lights have gone a bit wonky, like having damaged light bulbs. Time to give those lights some attention and get them fixed up.

Common Symbols

1. Tyre pressure warning light

Your tire pressure is too low and it could be causing some unsafe driving conditions. If that light stays on, it means one or more of your tyres are underinflated, and it's time to investigate what's causing the pressure loss. Depending on the situation, you might need to add some air or get those tyres repaired.

2. Security indicator light

Ah, the security indicator light, a trusty companion of your car's anti-theft system. When you see it illuminated or flashing while the car is off and you have no trouble starting it, it's just your car giving you a reassuring nod that the anti-theft system is doing its job. However, if that security light keeps shining when the engine is running or if it prevents you from starting the car, it's time to give your anti-theft system a closer look. Better have it examined to ensure everything's shipshape.

3. Anti-lock brake system warning light

The ABS warning light loves to make an appearance every time you start your car, just to check that the system's up and running. But if that light stubbornly stays lit, it could mean something's not right with the ABS itself, like low levels in the fluid reservoir, malfunctioning sensors, or maybe even the ABS is turned off. Time to get it checked out and give your brakes some extra love.

4. Washer fluid indicator light

When your washer fluid indicator light starts glowing, it's a gentle reminder that you're running low on washer fluid. No worries, though! Just top up that washer fluid with the necessary amount to at least reach the minimum level required, and voilà! The light will bid you farewell.

5. Lane departure warning light

This clever warning light has your back when it comes to avoiding those pesky lane departure mishaps. It's like having an extra set of eyes on the road. If you spot this signal turning on, it's your cue to focus on your driving and stay within your lane. This one's especially handy if you're rolling with a newer vehicle equipped with some fancy features. Keep those tyres touching the lane markers, and you're good to go!

Advanced Feature Symbols

1. Cruise control light

This light means your cruise control is up and running. Your vehicle might use different colours to let you know if it's engaged or not. Just check the light's colour, and you'll know if the cruise control is on or off. Now, if that light insists on staying on even when you haven't engaged cruise control, it could be due to a blown fuse or a glitchy speed sensor.

2. Collision warning light

The collision warning light is here to give you a heads-up. When your car detects that you're getting too close to another vehicle, an object, or even a group of pedestrians, this warning light will pop up. If you see this warning, be ready to hit the brakes or steer away to ensure everyone's safety.

3. Speed limiter light

When you see that speed limiter light shining, it means the speed limit feature is in action. It's like having a friendly reminder to stick to a specific speed. Your car's equipped with this feature to prevent you from going faster than a predetermined limit. Keep an eye on that light and stay within the speed boundaries!

4. Hill descent light

The hill descent light AKA your trusty companion when navigating those tricky slopes! When this light illuminates, it means your hill slope control system is engaged. It's here to help you maintain a steady pace while going downhill.

5. Lane-assist light

Keep an eye out for the lane assist light! When this little friend is on, it means the lane assist function is activated. It's like having a co-pilot that recognizes lane markings and road signs, helping you stay in your lane.


Your car has its language of warning lights to communicate with you. They're there to draw your attention to internal issues or the surrounding environment. Remember, these warning lights can illuminate due to various reasons, so make sure to assess the situation and decide if your car needs attention. Safety first!


1. How do I know when my car needs repair?

Pay close attention to the warning lights on your dashboard. They're your car's way of alerting you to potential issues or internal problems.

2. What do the warning lights in a car mean?

Warning lights can come in different colours and indicate various things. Green, yellow, or red lights each have their own significance.

3. Which warning light is the most serious in a car?

Red lights are generally the most serious and often indicate a significant issue that requires immediate attention.

4. Do warning lights differ among different cars?

While there may be slight variations, most cars have a standard set of dashboard indicators and symbols.

5. What should I do if the temperature warning light comes on in my car?

Keep an eye on your dashboard lights to stay informed about any problems, safety concerns, or potential failures in your vehicle.

Picture this: you're cruising down the highway, enjoying the picturesque scenery, when out of nowhere, a wild red symbol starts flashing on your dashboard. Cue the internal panic mode. What does it mean? Is your car about to explode? Don’t worry–those dashboard warning lights aren't as cryptic as they seem!

In today's tech-filled world, cars are like rolling computers, packed with sensors and digital wizardry that keep tabs on your vehicle's health. Understanding the secret language of these warning lights can be your superpower, saving you from potential roadside meltdowns.

Let's begin by understanding what is a warning sign and what is a warning indicator. A car warning sign typically refers to a physical sign or symbol placed on the roadside or within the vicinity of a road to alert drivers of potential hazards, speed limits, or other important information. These signs are typically static and provide visual cues to drivers.

On the other hand, a car warning light or an indicator refers to the various symbols or lights displayed on the dashboard of a vehicle to alert the driver of specific issues or conditions within the car's systems. These indicators are dynamic and change based on the vehicle's status, providing real-time feedback to the driver about potential problems or required actions.

So, let's dive into the fascinating world of car dashboard symbols and decode the mysteries that lie beneath. Buckle up!

Types of Car Dashboard Symbols

Warning Symbols

1. Brake warning light

Brake warning light

When this warning light pops up, it's telling you that your brake fluid pressure is running low. So as soon as it's safe to do so, pull over and bring your ride to a smooth stop. Avoid slamming on those brakes like you're auditioning for an action movie! It's all about maintaining a steady pace.

Now, even if that pesky light flickers on and off, don't brush it off. It's essential to check your brake fluid level ASAP. Don't worry, though: with a quick inspection, you'll be back on the road, enjoying smooth stops and peace of mind. Safety first!

2. Airbag warning light

Airbag Warning Light

When this warning light starts shining bright, it's a red flag that something's up with your seatbelts or airbags. It's not safe to hit the road when this light is giving you the evil eye.

Your car's front occupant classification system is like a secret agent, detecting the weight and position of your front passenger to ensure those airbags deploy like superheroes when needed. But if the system's gone wonky, it's bad news–it might fail to deploy in a collision when you need it the most. It could even deploy unexpectedly in certain situations.

So, here's the deal: when this light shines, play it safe. Put the brakes on driving and get your ride checked out ASAP.

3. Power steering warning light

Power steering warning light

When this warning light decides to make an appearance, it's time to take action as potentially your power steering system has failed. Find a safe spot to pull over and give your car a quick break. Turn off the engine, count to 30 (nice and steady!), and then fire it up again.

If the light is still there once you’ve restarted the engine, it's time to bring in the experts. Don't procrastinate—get your ride checked out by a pro as soon as possible.

4. Engine temperature warning light

Engine temperature warning light

When your engine starts overheating, this little light will come on, indicating it's had enough! If the light turns red, it's a clear signal to pull over and give your engine a breather. Wait patiently until it cools down completely before hitting the road again. An overheated engine can wreak havoc and cause serious damage so it's crucial to get it checked out as soon as possible.

5. Oil warning light

Oil warning light

This warning light is a clear signal that your engine oil pressure has hit rock bottom. It could be due to some dirty oil, a low oil level, or even a sneaky oil leak. Now, when this little light starts flashing, it's definitely not the time to hit the road. Pull over to a safe spot, kill the engine, and take a peek at your oil level or any signs of oil leaks. If that warning light keeps shining, it's probably best to call for a tow. Better safe than sorry!

6. Check Engine Light

Check Engine Light

The most commonly inquired about light is the check engine light. If you see this light come to life, get your engine checked as soon as you can. Engine is like the heart of a car, it keeps energy pumping everywhere, something wrong with the engine can make a lot of things wrong with other parts. Sometimes this can be caused by changing gears while igniting the car, which can be harmless.

If the light is orange, you can wait it out for a few kilometres of driving and see if it goes away. However, the best method is to run your car to a mechanic, or if you're of a more traditional mindset and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, pop the hood open and have a go at it. This light can come up for multiple reasons, if left unattended it can even total your engine.

Safety Symbols

1. Seat Belt Reminder Light

Seat Belt Reminder Light

When that seatbelt warning sign starts beaming, it means someone forgot to buckle up in the passenger seat. It's a friendly reminder to secure that seatbelt ASAP. Just clip it on, and you're good to go! But if the light keeps glowing even when everyone's properly buckled up, it might be worth getting it checked out.

2. Door open warning symbol

Door Open Warning

When one or more doors are wide open or not closed properly, this cautionary sign will light up. What's the solution? Simply open those doors and give them a proper close to make that warning light vanish.

3. Bonnet open symbol

Bonnet Open Symbol

When you see this icon, it means your car's bonnet (or hood) is either open or not securely closed. Sometimes, if there's an issue with the locking system, that light might come on too. Just make sure the bonnet is properly closed, and if the light persists, it's a good idea to have the locking system checked out.

4. Steering wheel lock symbol

Steering Wheel Lock

This indicator is supposed to light up when the ignition is switched off and the steering lock is engaged. But if you happen to see that light come on at any other time, it's best to have it checked out. Let the pros take a look and ensure everything is in order.

5. Automatic gearbox warning symbol

Automatic Gearbox Warning

When there's a glitch in your automatic transmission, that warning indicator will come to life–if that happens, it's best to steer clear of driving. Give your car a break and let the experts take a look.

Lighting Symbols

1. Battery charge warning light

If your dashboard decides to show you a battery symbol, it means there's some issue with the battery charging. It might even pop up if your battery is working overtime. Either way, when that warning light catches your eye, it's high time to get your battery checked out pronto.

2. Low fuel warning light

Ah, the low fuel warning light, a simple messenger with a single mission: to let you know that your fuel tank is running on fumes. When you see that limited fuel warning signal flashing, make a beeline for the nearest gas station and refuel without delay.

3. Low beam indicator

Say hello to the low beam indicator! This nifty symbol pops up whenever you switch on your low-beam lights. It's got these cool rays that show how the light is shining down on the road ahead rather than beaming straight ahead.

4. High beam indicator

When it's time to let your high beam lights shine, the high beam indicator comes to life. You'll spot this symbol with its rays pointing forward, showing that the light is beaming straight ahead. Just remember to use those high beams responsibly–safety on the road is a team effort!

5. Exterior light fault

Uh-oh, looks like trouble with the exterior lights! When this warning light shows up, it's usually a signal that one or more of your external lights have gone a bit wonky, like having damaged light bulbs. Time to give those lights some attention and get them fixed up.

Common Symbols

1. Tyre pressure warning light

Your tire pressure is too low and it could be causing some unsafe driving conditions. If that light stays on, it means one or more of your tyres are underinflated, and it's time to investigate what's causing the pressure loss. Depending on the situation, you might need to add some air or get those tyres repaired.

2. Security indicator light

Ah, the security indicator light, a trusty companion of your car's anti-theft system. When you see it illuminated or flashing while the car is off and you have no trouble starting it, it's just your car giving you a reassuring nod that the anti-theft system is doing its job. However, if that security light keeps shining when the engine is running or if it prevents you from starting the car, it's time to give your anti-theft system a closer look. Better have it examined to ensure everything's shipshape.

3. Anti-lock brake system warning light

The ABS warning light loves to make an appearance every time you start your car, just to check that the system's up and running. But if that light stubbornly stays lit, it could mean something's not right with the ABS itself, like low levels in the fluid reservoir, malfunctioning sensors, or maybe even the ABS is turned off. Time to get it checked out and give your brakes some extra love.

4. Washer fluid indicator light

When your washer fluid indicator light starts glowing, it's a gentle reminder that you're running low on washer fluid. No worries, though! Just top up that washer fluid with the necessary amount to at least reach the minimum level required, and voilà! The light will bid you farewell.

5. Lane departure warning light

This clever warning light has your back when it comes to avoiding those pesky lane departure mishaps. It's like having an extra set of eyes on the road. If you spot this signal turning on, it's your cue to focus on your driving and stay within your lane. This one's especially handy if you're rolling with a newer vehicle equipped with some fancy features. Keep those tyres touching the lane markers, and you're good to go!

Advanced Feature Symbols

1. Cruise control light

This light means your cruise control is up and running. Your vehicle might use different colours to let you know if it's engaged or not. Just check the light's colour, and you'll know if the cruise control is on or off. Now, if that light insists on staying on even when you haven't engaged cruise control, it could be due to a blown fuse or a glitchy speed sensor.

2. Collision warning light

The collision warning light is here to give you a heads-up. When your car detects that you're getting too close to another vehicle, an object, or even a group of pedestrians, this warning light will pop up. If you see this warning, be ready to hit the brakes or steer away to ensure everyone's safety.

3. Speed limiter light

When you see that speed limiter light shining, it means the speed limit feature is in action. It's like having a friendly reminder to stick to a specific speed. Your car's equipped with this feature to prevent you from going faster than a predetermined limit. Keep an eye on that light and stay within the speed boundaries!

4. Hill descent light

The hill descent light AKA your trusty companion when navigating those tricky slopes! When this light illuminates, it means your hill slope control system is engaged. It's here to help you maintain a steady pace while going downhill.

5. Lane-assist light

Keep an eye out for the lane assist light! When this little friend is on, it means the lane assist function is activated. It's like having a co-pilot that recognizes lane markings and road signs, helping you stay in your lane.


Your car has its language of warning lights to communicate with you. They're there to draw your attention to internal issues or the surrounding environment. Remember, these warning lights can illuminate due to various reasons, so make sure to assess the situation and decide if your car needs attention. Safety first!


1. How do I know when my car needs repair?

Pay close attention to the warning lights on your dashboard. They're your car's way of alerting you to potential issues or internal problems.

2. What do the warning lights in a car mean?

Warning lights can come in different colours and indicate various things. Green, yellow, or red lights each have their own significance.

3. Which warning light is the most serious in a car?

Red lights are generally the most serious and often indicate a significant issue that requires immediate attention.

4. Do warning lights differ among different cars?

While there may be slight variations, most cars have a standard set of dashboard indicators and symbols.

5. What should I do if the temperature warning light comes on in my car?

Keep an eye on your dashboard lights to stay informed about any problems, safety concerns, or potential failures in your vehicle.

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